Terms and Conditions

  1. The CynergyTx Coworking space is either a shared lounge or a shared office in a collaborative work environment. Workspace is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  2. The CynergyTx Coworking space shall provide member with the subscribed service plans specified:
    • Conference Hall / Meeting Rooms
    • Open desks
    • Dedicated Desks
    • Virtual Office
    • Private Cabin
    • Fixed Room
    • Server Room
  3. Service Plans are subject to following conditions:
    • Subscriptions are for designated users only, and are non-transferrable and cannot be shared by any third party.
    • Coworking space usage is only limited to the subscribed user.
    • CynergyTx reserves the right to provide alternative facilities should any Coworking Space be not available, and the right to impose charges on the usage of non-subscribed services.
  4. The following additional business services are available in accordance with CynergyTx published rates updated from time to time. It is clarified that services are available to all members:
    • Physical Security – 24/7
    • Front Office Services
    • WiFi
    • Cafeteria
    • Games Room
    • Breakout Areas
    • Parking based on Agreement
    • Courier Services
    • Office Supplies
  5. The client agrees to provide all documents, pertaining to the identification of the company name (mentioned in the agreement) and of the person (executing the agreement), as deemed relevant by CynergyTx, for the purpose of verification of legitimate existence of the client’s business.
  6. The client shall adhere and observe to all the rules and regulations updated from time to time made by CynergyTx for the management of the Centre.
  7. The client should agree that CynergyTx’s co working space, allocated desks and dedicated workspaces are under 24-hour CCTV surveillance. CynergyTx will only provide CCTV footage based on the request under local enforcement law.
  8. While the whole premises will be in CCTV surveillance, Private cabins are not covered with any CCTV surveillance.
  9. The client should be liable for any damage caused by the client and CynergyTx should be entitled to take all steps necessary to rectify the same.
  10. Client is formally required to check in and check out of the office space upon entry and departure.
  11. The client should vacate the daily allocated office unit along with all personal belongings prior or at the end of every business day. This only applies to Day Office or Day Office Client.
  12. CynergyTx will not allow any outside guests to enter the premises beyond Reception area.
  13. Sanitisation of the premises will be on periodic basis and the client must cooperate with the given conditions.
  14. If any misuse of Internet services is found, the respective client will be held responsible for it and necessary actions will be taken by CynergyTx.
  15. On failure of fee payment due to any reason, CynergyTx will give 14 days notice to the client and if still client fails to pay the fee, CynergyTx holds the right to terminate the client with immediate effect.
  16. The monthly fee, per month, shall be payable monthly in advance, on the first day of each and every month to CynergyTx.
  17. Standard recurring services requested by the client are payable monthly in advance unless otherwise agreed in writing, these recurring services will be provided at the specified rates for the duration of this agreement (including any renewal). The client must provide one month’s notice to CynergyTx in writing to terminate such standard recurring services.
  18. CynergyTx will increase the monthly office fee after 11 months of the start date of agreement by a percentage discussed and agreed mutually between client and CynergyTx.
  19. The client may use the office address as its business address only. Any other uses are prohibited without CynergyTx’s prior written consent.
  20. The client must not install any cabling, IT or telecom connections without CynergyTx’s prior written consent. As a condition to such consent, the client must permit CynergyTx to oversee any installations and to verify that such installations do not interfere with the use of premises by other clients or CynergyTx.
  21. The client must not carry on a business that directly or indirectly competes with CynergyTx or any company affiliated with CynergyTx.
  22. The client is required to disclose the number and names of persons who will work in the premises.
  23. The client agrees not to smoke or consume any alcoholic beverages in the premises of CynergyTx.
  24. The client shall utilize, and shall ensure that its employees utilize, the equipment and facilities provided in the premises with due care and caution; the client will be liable for all damage or destruction caused by it or its employees to the equipment and facilities provided in the premises.
  25. The client shall cease to use and occupy the premises on the expiry or sooner termination of the agreement; remove all its equipment, belongings, articles and things and its employees / personnel and to vacate and hand back the premises and at the same time hand over all keys and access cards.
  26. If the client defaults in vacating the premises when this agreement has ended the client is responsible for any loss, claim or liability CynergyTx incurs as a result of the client’s failure to vacate on time. CynergyTx will also be at liberty to remove the articles and belongings of the client from the premises at the risk and cost of the client. CynergyTx may, at its discretion, permit the client an extension, subject to a surcharge on the monthly office fee.
  27. CynergyTx will not in any circumstances have any liability for loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or any consequential loss unless CynergyTx otherwise agrees in writing.
  28. In no event shall CynergyTx be liable for any loss or damage until the client provides written notice and gives CynergyTx a reasonable time to put it right.
  29. The client must also pay all reasonable costs relating to this agreement, including any legal costs whatsoever, stamp duty and any bank charges payable by CynergyTx in respect of the fees and other amounts received by CynergyTx from the client pursuant to the agreement. The client must also pay any reasonable and proper costs including legal fees that CynergyTx incurs in enforcing the agreement.
  30. Client should not pass any defamatory remarks or language towards the CynergyTx or any member of the community with the particular purpose of causing harm, including loss of profits.
  31. CynergyTx will not be responsible for any malware/ spyware/ virus attack and other internet threats via shared internet connection provided to the client.
  32. Do not upload files that contain viruses, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer / laptops or property of another clients.
  33. Do not restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the services.
  34. Do not violate any guidelines which may be applicable for any particular service.
  35. Client will not harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without the authorization or consent of the disclosing party.
  36. Client will not create a false identity for the purpose of misleading others.
  37. CynergyTx provides clients use of furnishing in all areas. CynergyTx furnishing provided are the sole property of CynergyTx. CynergyTx furnishings may never be removed from the premises by any clients and/or it’s guests. Further, if and when required, CynergyTx furnishings may only be moved upon approval of CynergyTx staff.
  38. The client is encouraged to bring their IT infrastructure like Laptops, Mobiles, Desktops etc..in CynergyTx. Any other furnishing will not be allowed inside the premises of CynergyTx.
  39. All card key access and keys are the property of CynergyTx and should never be duplicated for any reason. Client must not lend, share or transfer any keys or card keys to any third party. A lost card fee of INR 1000 will be charged for any lost locker, door or card key.
  40. No pets are allowed inside the premises of CynergyTx.
  41. Like so many things, CynergyTx will evolve and change over time (largely from input of clinets). With that may come changes in the rules and terms and conditions. If we change this agreement, we’ll let you know. By signing this document, you agree to remain familiar with and abide by all current (possibly updated) rules and terms and conditions.
  42. Attach or affix any items to the walls, install antennas, or telecommunication lines or devices in the office space or bring additional furniture into the office space, in each case without CynergyTx’s prior written consent.
  43. If the guest stays for more than 1 hour without sufficient space being booked by the client, the client shall have to purchase day pass for its guest.
  44. Client shall ensure that its guests and visitors carry valid Identity proof with them failing which they shall be denied access to CynergyTx work space solution.
  45. Subject to gross negligence and deliberate misconduct, CynergyTx is not liable for any loss as a result of CynergyTx’s failure to provide a service as a result of mechanical breakdown, strike, termination of CynergyTx’s interest in the building containing the Centre or otherwise.
  46. In no event shall CynergyTx be liable for any loss or damage until the client provides written notice and gives CynergyTx a reasonable time to put it right.
  47. CynergyTx will make its best effort to protect all confidential information regarding client. CynergyTx may disclose information about client as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or government request. CynergyTx will not harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including email addresses, without the authorization or consent of the disclosing party.

Some of best practices client can follow in CynergyTx:

CynergyTx is a shared, collaborative, and open workspace. In order for everyone to peacefully coexist, these are some best practices that you should all follow:

  1. Be friendly, be nice and be courteous
  2. Believe in yourself, believe in others and in the power of co-working
  3. Be considerate and respectful to others
  4. Advertise yourself
  5. Do not disturb
  6. Talk in normal voice over phone calls
  7. Work hard, participate and have fun
  8. Be a good social and environmental member of CynergyTx
  9. Keep your space clean
  10. Pay your bills
  11. Make this your workplace, not your home
  12. Be accountable for your actions
  13. Be accountable for your guests
  14. Mind your own business
  15. Protect your interests and stuff
  16. Do your part to keep CynergyTx safe
  17. CynergyTx, its employees, have no liability for illness, accidents, or any bad thing that results from your consumption of any substance of any kind or by any other reason whatsoever.


  1. For all Coworking Plans, CynergyTx reserves the right to require the client to submit the required points of Identification (“the Documentation”), and reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to terminate the plan if the Documentation is not received.


Termination of this agreement will be subject to the following terms:

Member’s Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. Conduct himself/herself in an unprofessional and irresponsible manner or act in any way that may cause nuisance, annoyance or injury to the other Members/users.
  2. Leave personal belongings unattended. CynergyTx is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal belongings or intellectual property. Unattended personal belongings might be removed by on-duty CynergyTx team members.
  3. Impede or interfere with CynergyTx right of possession, control of the office and operations.
  4. Use the office space otherwise than for the member’s business and in any event shall not permit the Office, Plan Inclusions or Services provided, to be used for any illegal activity.
  5. Alter, install, remove nor damage any furniture, fixtures, decorative materials, office equipment, IT cabling and telecommunications tools from within CynergyTx coworking space, allocated desks, dedicated workspaces and common areas, in which the Members have had access. CynergyTx shall have the right to claim compensation from the Member for repairs, replacement, loss or damages.